Many web designers have no idea about how to be search engine sensitive when designing a website or website layout. In fact, they may do things that really hurt a website’s chances to rank well in the Big 3 search engines including Google, MSN and Yahoo. Bad SEO layouts, too much code, the wrong type of code, or placing the content in the wrong place, etc. We collaborate with you to create a website that is both completely functional and visually attractive. We can then build upon this properly established foundation in the future to create an even bigger impact.
It makes perfect sense to have Search Engine Optimization experts design or redesign your website from the ground up for a great look and layout that will also get you the rankings you are looking for in the major search engines. We’ll handle all of your Graphic Design needs. We specialize in html5, XHTML, and CSS compliant server side scripted websites, which is the cutting edge of internet technology. We can design fluid width sites that will adapt to any browser, resolution and screen size.
Responsive & Mobile ReadyWe design your website to be search engine friendly on laptops, mobiles like android and iphones so you don’t have to worry about major upgrades and expensive website redesigns down the road. Obviously we can’t guarantee that browsers and search engines will never change how code needs to be written. The pending switch from HTML & XHTML HTML5 even now necessitates a change, but we know what the engines like and have continued to favor over the years. Certain things don’t change, so major revisions aren’t usually necessary if it’s done right from the start.
We do the intricate stuff like server side coding with languages like PHP if your site needs to be dynamically updated or structured. We set up your internal links and redirects properly in Apache so your Pagerank is not lost or split between canonical url’s. We can even program to have automatic code placed on your website or blog on a daily basis. There are many advantages to this with SEO. Namely backlinks and fresh content which search engines love. Whatever you need, we are at your service. Call us today to get started the right way.