SEO Copywriting serves two purposes. The first is writing so the major search engines will find and index your site properly. Second, but just as important, is to convey a clear and compelling message to your customers or potential clients. This is the essence of search engine optimization copywriting and good promotion. We are the Pennsylvania SEO Copywriting firm of choice. Quality copywriting applies to both people and SEO because search engines and people both read text but in different ways. Search engines seek the right keywords and keyword phrases in the right combinations and the correct frequency. Too little or too much redundancy will hurt your rankings. However, text written only for SEO with no regard for the way humans read would be exceedingly dry and boring and will be unlikely to persuade customers to contact you. 1st Search Optimization and SEO are all about details.
Since we know the search engines, and we know how to write well, 1st Search Optimization offers SEO and Web Design Copywriting services that are crafted to convert your website visitors into paying customers. We combine the right keyword frequency with the proper amount of text to have on a page. Even text location is important. We strategically author the text to coordinate with the link text for your inbound links to your site, and the text for your on site navigation links.
All elements work together which is why our SEO Copywriting expertise and experience is important. As Ludwig Mies van der Rohe once said, “God is in the details.” We can also help you track what’s working and what’s not working using different landing/test pages and tools like Google Analytics. Getting all the traffic from the search engines in the world doesn’t matter if your site doesn’t convert.
Contact us for your SEO Copywriting and any other website promotion, tracking, conversion and multimedia needs you may have. If you want to add graphics or video to your site, our partners at Tera Productions can bring your written message home visually. The possibilities are endless.